Monacoin vs Litecoin

November 19, 2021


As cryptocurrencies become increasingly popular, it can be difficult to decide which to invest in. In this blog post, we will compare Monacoin and Litecoin to help investors make an informed decision.


Monacoin was created in 2013 and is a decentralized cryptocurrency based on the Mona mascot. It is designed to be used in Japan and is often used to buy anime and manga.

  • Algorithm: Lyra2REv2
  • Block time: 1.5 minutes
  • Max supply: 105,120,000


Litecoin was created in 2011 by Charlie Lee, a former Google engineer. It is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that is often compared to Bitcoin.

  • Algorithm: Scrypt
  • Block time: 2.5 minutes
  • Max supply: 84,000,000



Monacoin has a faster block time of 1.5 minutes compared to 2.5 minutes for Litecoin. This means transactions can be confirmed faster and the network can handle more transactions per second.


Max supply is the limit of the total number of coins that can be in circulation. Monacoin has a max supply of 105,120,000, while Litecoin's max supply is 84,000,000.


The algorithm used to mine each cryptocurrency is important because it determines the level of decentralization and security. Monacoin uses the Lyra2REv2 algorithm, while Litecoin uses Scrypt.


Litecoin has a wider adoption than Monacoin and is accepted by more retailers. Monacoin is mainly used in Japan to buy anime and manga.


Both Monacoin and Litecoin have unique features and benefits. Investors should consider their specific needs and preferences before deciding which cryptocurrency to invest in.


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